Headless Branches and Improving GIT?

I watched a video on YouTube about a cool new tool called jj that allows you to create headless branches in Git. I thought it was a cool idea, so I decided to give it a try. It was a problem to push changes to the remote repository. So I put it on the back burner. Tried some of the other apps that are supposed to make Git easier to use. But I alwasys had branching problems.

Then heard on the changelog podcast about GitButler. I decided to give it a try. I’m Lovin’ It!

image of gitbutler

Visually move files to different branches.

This is my favourite feature. Seeing the changes and moving the files where appropriate is such a nice change. When you make more changes to a file you can add it to a previous commit and force push it to the remote repository.

Easily make pull requests and integrate to GitHub.

On personal projects I’d normally just push to the master branch. But now I can easily create a branch and push to it. Then create a pull request to merge the changes. It’s so easy!

Visual representation of the branches and the changes.

I like the visual representation of the gitbranches, it’s easy to see what changes you have going and what you are working on.

Needed Improvements

I would like to have better integration into IDE’s and a TUI would be nice. And an API to integrate into other tools.


I’m Lovin’ GitButler. It’s made my life so much easier. I can easily create branches, push changes, and create pull requests. It’s so easy to use and has made my life so much easier. I highly recommend it to anyone who uses Git and GitHub.